My Goalkeeping System

Chapter 113 Everytime

"Hey," She turned back to him to say. "Are you coming?"

"Uh.....Yeah." He said with a nod before making his way to her.

"You looked a little lost out there, is everything okay?" She asked just as they entered the elevator.

"Yeah," Dave said with a nod. "Of course everything is okay."

"Okay." She said with a nod before pushing the number four button in the elevator.

After about twenty seconds of silence, while they were being moved upstairs, Emma recalled that she had missed something.

"How could I forget?" She said with a disappointed tone before slamming her palm into her forehead.

"What?" Dave asked.

"I was supposed to bring flowers for him." She said.

"Flowers," Dave muttered.

<Like you care>

"Yeah, flowers." She said, "We have to go downstairs and see if there\'s any shop in the area where I can buy roses."

She reached for the buttons and was about to push the button labeled with the number one when Dave suddenly grabbed by her arm and pulled her back.

"That won\'t be necessary." He said.

"Why not, it\'s not like we\'re running late or something?"

"I think I saw something like a flower booth in the reception area the last time we came here." He said.

"You saw a flower booth?" She said with a surprised expression on her face.

"Yeah," Dave said with a nod.

"You\'re sure that you saw a flower booth?"


A ding sound was heard as the elevator stopped moving and the door opened for them to walk into the reception area.

"Over there," Dave said, pointing to the right where there was a flower booth filled with various kinds of flowers.

"Oh, you were right." She said, sounding relieved.

"What, you thought I was making it up?"

"No, I just thought you saw something else and mistook it for a flower booth." She said, still looking at the flower booth. "I guess they\'ve decided to make it easier for people like me who easily forget things like this."

She didn\'t waste time in making her way to the area to buy a bunch of roses before they began to make their way to the area.

The two arrived at the area at the exact time the doctor was making his way out of the room.

"Dave." The Doctor said with a smile as soon as he spotted the goalkeeper.

"Doc," Dave said before shaking hands with him.

"How are you doing?" The Doctor asked.

"Good, I guess." The goalkeeper said.

"And, Emma." The Doctor said, turning his gaze to her.

"Doc." She said before accepting his handshake.

"How\'re you doing?"

"Good, you?"

"I\'m good too." He said.

"How\'s he doing?" She asked.

"I think the right word to use here is superb." He said. "He\'s doing great and he will be very happy to see you two."

"Of course, he will," Dave muttered.

"That\'s good news," Emma said.

"I guess I should allow you to go see him now." He said before moving out of the way.

"Yeah," Emma said before the both of them moved closer to the door.

"Um...Dave." The Doctor called just before they could enter the room.

"Yeah," Dave said before turning to face him.

"My son was really glad when he found out that you signed the ball for him, he called it the best birthday present ever." He said with a smile on his face.

"I\'m glad he enjoyed his birthday." The goalkeeper said.

"All thanks to you." The Doctor said before turning and making his way out of the area.

Tom had a bright smile on his face as he watched the two enter the room and slowly made their way to him, of course, Emma was the one in front.

"Hey, " She said as soon as she got close enough to him.

"Emma." He said with a bright smile on his face.

"I brought you flowers." She said before handing him the bunch of roses she was holding.

"Thanks, my dear." He said before taking the flowers from her and taking a quick sniff from them.

"Dave." She turned her gaze to him to say before gesturing for him to get closer.

"How\'re you doing, Dad?" He asked after getting closer to him.

<If I didn\'t know you and had access to your thoughts, I would have said that he was her father and you were just a stranger>

\'I\'ve always been a stranger to him since the day I made that decision.\' He replied.

"I\'m recovering well, son," Tom replied. "Doctor Francis said you guys came to see me the day two nights ago."

"That\'s true," Dave said.

"I couldn\'t see you because I was unconscious." He said.

"Yeah, but we\'re glad you\'re recovering now," Emma said.

"I know," Tom said before turning his gaze back to Dave. "You guys defeated Frono FC and ended their unbeaten run against us."

"Yeah," Dave said.

"Congratulations, you\'re finally finding your form as a goalkeeper." He said.

"Like you thought I never would."

As soon as those words left his mouth, Emma quickly turned her gaze to him as she was a bit shocked to hear that from him.

"You know, I\'m always wishing the best for you."

"If only that was half true," Dave said.

"It can\'t be half true because it\'s completely true." He said, covering up his emotion with a smile. "Mateo Smith was superb last night, if he keeps up this wonderful performance his market value is going to get a rapid increase, we should convince him for a renewal and increase his release clause don\'t you think?"

\'Unbelievable, changing the topic to talk about his business as always.\'

"I think that\'s something you should discuss with the members of your board, not me," The goalkeeper replied. "I think we\'ve checked up on him enough, let\'s go." He said, turning his gaze to Emma.

"Dave." She called to try and calm him down but there was no calming down there.

"Let\'s go." He said, almost raising his voice at her before turning and making his way out of the room.

She turned her gaze to Tom and let out a sigh before making her way out of the room to catch up with Dave.

__________ ___________

She knew best to just leave him alone as she drove the car and he didn\'t even bother to say anything to her as he had his arms crossed while looking out through the window.

<Do you always have to end up this way anytime you have a conversation with your father?>

Dave didn\'t reply to her and continued looking outside until his phone began to vibrate in his pocket.

"Who the heck is calling me now?" He muttered under his breath before dipping his hand into his pocket and bringing out his phone which had the name Clark displayed on it now.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter?

If we can hit 1000+ privilege unlocks before the end of this month, I\'ll do five chapters mass release on any day between the 20-25th of January.

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